This material was originally published in the
Purdue Cytometry CD-ROM Series,volume 2 (1997)
As part of the Purdue School of Veterinary Medicine, the Purdue University Cytometry Laboratories and the publication staff of the PURDUE-CD ROM feel a responsibility to provide the veterinary community with up to date scientific information regarding the use of flow cytometry in the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of animal disease. We feel it is important to establish a forum in which veterinary scientists can share information regarding flow cytometry as it relates directly to the welfare of our animal patients and not simply to use this technology and animals, to model the human disease process. We would like to make this a recurring section in future volumes of the PURDUE-CD ROM. Therefore, we would like to hear any suggestions from our colleagues in the veterinary or flow cytometry community, and we welcome any pertinent data that you wish to share in future volumes.
Note: These data have been provided by colleagues worldwide. Appropriate acknowledgement should be made if these are used in any material.
Current Research Areas
- Sperm quality measures for fertility assessment.
- - courtesy of: Dr. Don Evenson
- Sample histograms related to sperm and milk quality analysis.
- - courtesy of: Dr. Doug Redelman
- Sample histograms related to sperm and milk quality analysis II.
- - courtsey of: Dr. Doug Redelman
- Sample histograms related to mastitis
- - courtesy of: Dr. Doug Redelman