Re: Sorting G0 cells? -Reply

Howard Shapiro (
Wed, 15 May 1996 20:54:31 -0400 (EDT)

I second David Hedley's nomination of the transferrin receptor (CD71) as
probably discriminating G0 and G1/S/G2/M phase cells, at least in
lymphocytes; we also looked at that (when it was OKT9) years ago, and the
advantage of the transferrin receptor is that it is presumably expressed on
most if not all proliferating (i.e. G1/S/G2/M) cells, not just lymphs. We
should shortly have some harder data from stimulated lymphocytes in which we
will measure CD3, CD4 or CD8, CD71, and DNA and RNA, once we get the
appropriate antibody labels.

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