Re: Apoptosis

Russ Boggs (
Tue, 2 Apr 1996 11:13:51 -0700

> We have noted this expansion in apoptosis studies by flow- many
>substandard. We are involved in apoptosis studies with a number of people
>at NIH and they are amazed and excited about what good flow can do for
>them. People who in the past tried to do their own work by getting time on
>a FACScan have a poor view of the power of this technique. After
>collaborating with my lab they realize that apoptosis by flow is not a
>black box they can shove stained tubes into and get a good answer out of.
>We need to take the initiative in educating the general scientific
>community about apoptosis studies and how complex they are.

I'm all ears. (Or should I write "eyes" since this is EMail?) The primary
reason that I subscribed to this list last week was to add to my
sophistication in measuring apoptosis using FACS analysis. (Starting from
pretty close to the ground floor.)

Does anyone have any suggestions as far as reliable assays are concerned?
Any suggestions for basic references regarding the use of FACS for studying
apoptosis? Any pitfalls?

--Russ Boggs
ISIS Pharmaceuticals

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