I recently updated FCS Assistant to read Skatron files, unfortunately, I
introduced a major bug in the process. This buggy version is numbered
1.3.1. Several people have taken copies of 1.3.1 already, could they
please delete it and take a new copy (1.3.1a) from my server
(http://facsmac.med.cam.ac.uk), or if they reply to this letter, I'll mail
them a copy.
The bug causes occasional crashes when opening files- and causes files to
be read at a random length, which means that your data may be destroyed if
you are using FCS Assistant1.3.1 to convert FCS1.0 files to FCS2.
Ray Hicks
|University of Cambridge |Tel 01223 330149 |
|Department of Medicine |Fax 01223 336846 |
|Level 5, Addenbrookes Hospital |e-mail rh208@cus.cam.ac.uk |
|Hills Road Cambridge |Web Page/ facsmac.med.cam.ac.uk |
|CB2 |ftp server |
|UK | |