This meeting will attempt to brainstorm into a future where a key role for
flow and image cytometry is to map out alterations in the regulation of the
cell cycle and apoptosis in human cancer. Although we have an
excellent line up of keynote speakers, most of the serious business will be
done in the workshop sessions.
We are anxious to have participation by basic and clinical scientists who
are active in the fields of cell cycle control and apoptosis. Students and
postdocs are particularly welcome; please bring this notice to their
attention. We will do our best to raise adequate funds for travelling
fellowship awards. This is an inexpensive meeting on a hot topic.
Registration is limited to 300 participants. Therefore we encourage early
Housekeeping notes:
1) Abstracts will be submitted electronically. We will call for these early
next year. They need to be topical and relevant to the conference.
2) The venue lends itself to satelite meetings; for example to discuss
technical aspects of apoptosis measurement. The University will allow
participants to stay extra nights in Innis Residence at conference rates,
and the rental for conference rooms is very low. If there are interested
groups, please let me know and I will be happy to act as a facilitator,
provided I don't have to do the organization!
David Hedley
Program Chair