Another technical question if you don't mind... for the FACStar users.
On a circuit card #15 there is a little knob for the 5 decade log
amplification adjust of FSC (and for SSC, FL1, FL2). Now the question is:
does it work with the FSC photodiode or just with the photomultipliers of
SSC, etc ? When I turn it full CW or CCW I cannot see any difference in FSC
signal (in log amplification of course). Maybe it is O.K., I just couldn't
find anything about it in my manuals.
The problem is I get poor resolution in FSC vs SSC dot-plot. The FSC signal
is somewhat 'widened' and there is virtually no separation of monocytes and
granulocytes, with a rather big noise (or sth that looks like random events
all over the place). I do not even mention analyzing platelets...! The same
sample ran on a friend's Coulter Elite sorter looked a LOT better (like the
best pics in the books) so I assume I had prepared the sample o.k.
Or maybe it is a peculiarity of FACStar, that poor resolution...;-)
Masses of thanx in advance,
Janek Brozek e-mail:
2nd Dept of Internal Medicine
Allergy and Immunology Clinic
Jagiellonian University School of Medicine
Krakow, Poland