Re: Isotype Controls
Fri, 29 Mar 1996 10:33 -0500 (EST)

Alice writes:

Because of all these problems, I believe I have heard that the latest US
clinical guidelines will recommend that isotype controls are not necessary
(i.e. a waste of time and money ?). Perhaps some clinical people can confirm
this for the network.

I have heard that isotype controls are not necessary for lymphocyte subset
analysis and CD4/CD8 analysis if you are using three color flow and identifying
the lymphoid populations with CD45 vs SSC.

On the other hand, I have not heard the same recommendation applied to
phenotyping of leukemia or lymphoma specimens (but that doesn't mean that they
have been made). I personally find the use of isotype controls necessary for
leukemia and lymphoma phenotyping as marker expression can be dim but important
for classification of the neoplastic process.


Karen Mann, MD. PhD
Duke Univ Med Center

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