autofluoresence of cultured cells

Harold Ralph (
Mon, 18 Mar 1996 16:16:35 -0500 (EST)

I seem to remember hearing about a method using an incubation or wash with
N-ACETYL-D-GLUCOSAMINE to reduce non-specific binding to cultured cells, but
I can't find the reference or method. Does anyone out there know what I'm
talking about?
* *
Harold E. Ralph _|_ ___ |
Special Diagnostics Laboratory |NNN| |NNN| __ |B| _
New York Blood Center |NNN| |NNN| __|YY| |B| |C|___
310 E. 67th Street |NNN| |NNN| |YY|YY| |BBB| |C|CCC|
New York, NY 10021 |NNN| |NNN| __|YY|YY| |BBB| |C|CCC|
(212) 570-3341 |NNN| |NNN| |YY|YY|YY| |BBB| |C|CCC|
e-mail: ______|NNN|_|NNN|_|YY|YY|YY|__|BBB|__|C|CCC|__

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